
Ancient Grains

The origin of grains can be traced back to the Neolithic Revolution, about 10,000 years ago, when prehistoric communities began making the transition from hunter-gatherer to farming. In the region called Fertile Crescent, which includes the southeast of Turkey, the transition to settled order, agricultural culture and wheat farming started together. Wheat is of great importance in terms of meeting the food needs of humanity in the world.


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Bulgur, on the other hand, is a form of wheat that is dried and peeled after boiling and brought into various sizes. In other words, mankind has made wheat easy to cook by pre-cooking it and making bulgur. Coarse and Fine Kadim® Bulgur, which is in the Hasata product family, is produced from the ancient grain Khorasan Wheat, whose origin goes back 4,000 years, and brings the taste from the past to the consumers in its packages.

The golden-colored grains of Khorasan Wheat stand out with their size three times that of modern wheat. It is known for its distinctive flavor and high protein content. The grain's rich golden color comes from having high levels of carotenoids. It is an ancient grain that preserves its originality with its nutritious structure, sweet hazelnut-butter taste and hard texture. It is an excellent source of protein, fiber and vitamins. It's also high in many minerals, including selenium.
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